Finesmith is doing a beauty contest is The Third year of
**Finesmith Jewelry new Beauty contest
The Finesmith Beauty contest starts in
june and you are all welcome to try out and be the new Finesmith beauty each month.
The contest will take place between June to December 2010
each month 3 top scores will be chosen to go to the finals- the opportunity to win Finesmith Face of 2011- big contrace with Finesmith jewelry
and 30000L$
The leading model each month will be Finesmith Beauty for this month and will be rewarded generously- details farther in this note.
the selected photo each month will be advertised in FashionAlert magazine and ofcourse will be displayed in our main store.
it will be only for your interpetation how to show the jewelry on the body, you need to create the perfect poster.
1. Purchase the jewelry you would like to showcase in Finesmith Designs main store- in the month befor you compete.
meaning- if you try for june - purchase the jewelry during May.
2.your photo- 512x512 or 1024x1024 must be sent to yula Finesmith untile 25 of May-
along with transaction history of the purchase and your model Resume.
**Name the photo with your full name and add "Finesmith beauty"- (example:"yula Finesmith, Finesmith beauty")
**the photo, transaction details and resume note. all in one Folder OR boxed and rename it like your photo: (full name),Finesmith beauty.
** before you send everything make sure it is all full prem.
3. Join Finesmith Jewelry update group.we will tag you as Finesmith Beauty contestant.
4. make picks in Finesmith designs main store.and write in the box "Finesmith Beauty contestant" you might want to place your photo as well
5. go to the main store and place your photo on the voting boards before the first of the subject month.- for june place your photo untile June first 7AM.
6. the contest starts in june 1, 7AM slt. free voting will be open untile the 15 of June 7AM Slt.
7. winner will be announced at june 20.
8. incase you didnt win in one month you are most welcome to try again in another month of the contest with different photo only.
the Judging:
each month 3 Judges from Fashion world will score together with me - yula Finesmith. the contestant photos
we will judge by: the way the jewelry placed on the body, the creativity in the photo if it deserves to be advertise photo that represent Finesmith.
** I have decided this time to also allow free voting - as time goes by i understand the true value of friendships and realations between people.
voting Rules:
any of those who will get cought will be disqualified immidiatly-
1. if you paid another av for voting
2. if you solicited inside the teritory of Finesmith jewelry
3. if you use alts yours or your friends- there are ways to track this - dont try.
** i will also summon my own friends to vote, members of my group, subscribers and residents of SL.
** 1 Vote for av each day!
we will open FREE voting every month for 15 days.1-15 of the month 7am slt. @ Finesmith Designs main store!
the judging and scores will be devided equaly- 50% votes, 50% judging scores!
The top 3 models each month with the highestd scores will be moved to the yearly contest Finesmith Face 2011 in January
30kL and big contract with finesmith jewelry.
** each of this models will also receive sweetpack of Finesmith Jewelry and will be introduced in FashionAlert Magazine with their winning photo and model resume.
The Finesmith month Beauty will be the model with the highest scores.
1. Finesmith Beauty Title!
2. your photo will be advertised in FashionAlert magazine as part of Finesmith jewelry campaign.
3. your resume & 1photo from your resume will be advertised as well in the magazine.
4. 2 or more Designers from sl will reward you as sponsors of "Finesmith Beauty" contest
- june model will receive gifts from
"Virtual impression"- fat pack of best seller boots.
& gown gift of "Bliss couture"
5. 5000L gift of Finesmith Designs.
6. pack of 3 Finesmith jewelry full sets.
** Information about ~Finesmith Face~ contest will be given to the 21 Finalist models who will win during the months of the contest.
** Finesmith Face 2011 winner will win 30000L and contract with Finesmith Designs-more rewards will be added by sponsors.
** Finesmith Face contest will take place in February 2011- Date and information will be given to Finesmith Beauty winners immidiatly with announcement of winning.
** The final Juding will be No voting only judges.
** Finesmith Face 2011 will be annouced with big parade- to model in this Fashionshow invited the contestants winning or not- interested to take part? contact yula Finesmith.
I hope its is all clear and if not just IM me or write anote with your question
Would love to see you part of Finesmith models
visit: Finesmith jewelry Designs
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