Get those shopping bags ready be sure to check the list from top to
bottom with 67 stores in the sale this weekfrom outfits, dresses, gowns,
jewelery, shoes, makeup, shapes, Fall Decor. all from awesome
Sale starts 7AM Thursdays,designers setup one or more items for SaLe in 55L. Look for the Fifty 5 Thursday subscriber to find the item.
Join FashionAlert/ Fifty5 thursdays group to get the list every week or subscribe our subscribers.
Sale starts 7AM Thursdays,designers setup one or more items for SaLe in 55L. Look for the Fifty 5 Thursday subscriber to find the item.
Join FashionAlert/ Fifty5 thursdays group to get the list every week or subscribe our subscribers.
Men's Items...... #15 #19 #44 #53 #59 #65
1. Sassy!
2. Studio Nails
5. Lushish Catz
7. -VicE-
9. Bootgasm
12. Pure Class
13. Luziefee
14. Lillou's Designs
15. Xen's Hats
17. Chilin' Designs
18. Cerri's Booty
19. **-Bubble's Designs-**
20. Strike Exonar
21. Kastle Rock Couture Petite
23. PurpleMoon Creations
24. Dressed by Lexi
25. Graffitiwear
27. Evolve
28. LaBelle-MakeUp
31. *Lurve*
33. GlamDammit
34. MoYaz
35. Feeel
37. Face Paint
38. LoLa Creations
45. Ruxy Design
47. Carrasco's
49. Fashion 4 Flirts
51. JaZzY's
52. Papillon
53. PeKaS Design
54. Liv-Glam
55. Chrome Armory
57. KAD Designs
60. Prism Furniture
62. X Latex
65. KaTaTToo
66. 1 Hundred.